--an independent initiative of digital archive of Indonesian literature


Oleh Lily Yulianti Farid

Teman-teman penulis dan pencinta sastra,

saya ingin memperkenalkan Dr. Stephen Donovan, dosen tamu FIB UI yang sedang mempersiapkan arsip multimedia sastra Indonesia, Untuk tahap awal, setiap orang yang tertarik terlibat dapat meminjamkan buku, majalah, jurnal, manuskrip untuk dijadikan e-book (tentu dengan pengurusan hakcipta bagi karya yang hakciptanya masih berlaku). Untuk rancangan awal, pengarsipan dibagi dalam karya klasik, karya kontemporer, jurnal, esai sastra. Diharapkannya juga setiap buku dapat dilengkapi "scholarly apparatus" (peta, kritik/review/resensi atas karya tsb, latar belakang sejarah, foto, dll)

teman-teman yang memiliki buku dan tertarik mendigitalkan bukunya, bisa menjadi kontributor untuk inisiatif ini. situs ini sekaligus menjadi database penulis dengan memberi ruang penayangan biografi, foto, komunitas sastra yang diasuh, dll.

Stephen akan mulai melakukan scanning buku pada bulan September dan mendedikasikan waktunya untuk pengelolaan pusat arsip ini selama 5 tahun ke depan, termasuk segala pembiayaan terkait pengelolaan tersebut.

Bila ada pertanyaan terkait inisiatif ini, jangan segan menghubungi saya ( atau langsung ke Stephen (

juga mohon bantuannya menyebarluaskan inisiatif ini.




SUSASTRA is a digital archive of Indonesian literature, intended for students and teachers in Indonesia and overseas. It will showcase classic works of literature, important contemporary writings, and works of particular cultural or aesthetic value, particularly visually spectacular works.

When it is launched in December 2009, SUSASTRA will be advertising-free, open-access, and maintained for at least 5 years in the first instance. Its archive will contain high-quality colour facsimiles of the pages of books, magazines, comics, and other suitable texts in Bahasa Indonesia. Online users will be able to “turn the pages” and also “zoom in” for a detailed view. Where possible, users will be able to download a full PDF file of the text in question.

In addition, SUSASTRA will contain scholarly apparatus such as biographies, historical background, suggestions for further reading, photographs, maps, critical essays, etc. Where possible, materials for the scholarly apparatus will be available in English as well as Bahasa Indonesia, the site’s main language. Their target audience should be university students and specialists. All project contributors will be fully credited on a special page with a biographical paragraph, CV, and photo. Contributors will keep copyright of all material that they submit to the scholarly apparatus. All of the literary texts will be either in the public domain or used with the copyright-owner’s permission. SUSASTRA does not own anything. Dr Stephen Donovan will be responsible for administering the site only.

If you would like to be involved, please complete the following in as much detail as possible and send it to my email address. Scanning work will begin in September, and the final deadline for the critical apparatus will be 1 November.

If you have any questions, please drop me a line.

Stephen Donovan
Visiting Lecturer, Dept of English, University of Indonesia, 2009
0878 8172 4766 hp


Name _________________________________________________________________

Institution ______________________________________________________________

Email & hp _____________________________________________________________

1. What text(s) would you like to be made available on Note that although there is no page limit, some large or fragile items may not be suitable for scanning. If the text was published after 1959, you may need to get permission from the author or copyright holder: Indonesia’s Copyright Act of 2002 decrees that copyright extends for 50 years from the author’s death, and copyright for an anonymous work is held by the publisher or the state for 50 years from its date of publication.




2. Where is the text physically located? Can you arrange for me to bring my scanner and scan its pages?




3. What scholarly apparatus would you like to contribute for this text?




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